BFG Admin Documentation 6.4.2 Help


The extension has a set of helpers that can make development a little easier for you.

Logging user actions

admin_log('Title of action') // OR admin_log('Title of action', 'With details')

There are also certain types of helpers.

admin_log_warning('Title of warning action') admin_log_primary(...) admin_log_secondary(...) admin_log_success(...) admin_log_info(...) admin_log_danger(...) admin_log_dark(...)

Path to extension application

admin_relative_path() // "/app/Admin" // OR admin_relative_path("with/my/path") // "/app/Admin/with/my/path"

Extension namespace

admin_app_namespace() // "App\Admin" // OR admin_app_namespace("WithMyNamespace") // "App\Admin\WithMyNamespace"

Controller model

admin_controller_model() // "Model/Class/Namespace"

Full path to extension application

admin_app_path() // "/Users/default/PhpstormProjects/project/app/Admin" // OR admin_app_path("MyPath") // "/Users/default/PhpstormProjects/project/app/Admin/MyPath"
admin_uri() // "/admin" // OR admin_uri("with/my/endpoint") // "/admin/with/my/endpoint"
admin_asset() // "https://domain.test/admin" // OR admin_asset("js/app.js") // "https://domain.test/admin/js/app.js"

Quick access to an authorized user

admin_user() // OR admin_user()?->name // OR admin()
makeUrlWithParams(url()->current(), ["date" => now()->toDateString()]) // "https://domain.test?date=2022-01-01"

Even if the current link already has parameters, the helper will simply add new ones to the existing ones.

makeUrlWithParams("https://domain.test?user_id=1", ["date" => now()->toDateString()]) // "https://domain.test?user_id=1&date=2022-01-01"
urlWithGet("date" => now()->toDateString()) // "https://domain.test?date=2022-01-01"

Also, if you have or may have an unwanted parameter in the link, you can add its name to the exclusion list. Suppose you have a user_id parameter in your current link:

// https://domain.test?user_id=255 urlWithGet("date" => now()->toDateString(), ["user_id"]) // "https://domain.test?date=2022-01-01"
Last modified: 05 May 2024